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How Far is O’Hare Airport from Downtown Chicago?

If you’re flying into O’Hare, you might be curious about how far the airport is from downtown Chicago. Read our guide below to learn about travel distances between Chicago’s airports and Downtown Chicago. When it comes to transportation, think about the convenience of travel if someone was driving you vs. you spending that time behind the wheel, using public transport, or walking — it’s your best option!

Public Transit Distance

If you’re planning on using public transit from O’Hare, it’ll take you a while to get to Downtown Chicago. According to Google maps, there are approximately 4 different routes you can take. Here are the two fastest:

  • 54 minutes: Take the Blue Line from O’Hare to LaSalle Street. From there, it’s a seven-minute walk to Downtown Chicago.
  • 55 minutes: Get on the Blue Line straight from O’Hare, switch to the Pink Line at the Clark/Lake Street stop, then get off the Pink Line at Adams/Wabash. Downtown Chicago is approximately a seven-minute walk away.

Driving Distance

If your vehicle is at the airport or you’re considering a rideshare company, knowing the approximate driving distance is important. Due to the high volumes of traffic, people, and the added factor of Chicago weather, your transit time can vary. Below, we’ve provided two of the fastest routes if you were to drive from O’Hare to Downtown Chicago.

  • 52 minutes: Taking 1-294 S to I-290 E, you’ll head right into Downtown Chicago. This route has tolls but it usually doesn’t have any road closures.
  • 1 – 2 Hours: A significantly more direct route is to take I-90 the entire way from O’Hare to downtown Chicago. Because it’s more direct, it’s also significantly busier. Either way, when you’re coming from O’Hare, you’ll eventually get onto I-290 to head into downtown.
Traffic jam

Which Airport is Closer to Downtown Chicago?

The closest airport to Downtown Chicago is Midway International. Even though O’Hare is farther away with all forms of transportation, Signature Transportation Group is here to help. If you can’t change your airport, you can always change your means of transportation. Rely on our transportation group to guide you to and from Chicago whenever you’re looking for a ride.

Explore Downtown Chicago With Signature Transportation Group!

Now that we’ve answered your question of, “How far is O’Hare from Downtown Chicago?”, we hope you’re more confident in selecting a means of transportation. If you’re still weighing your options, contact Signature Transportation Group to make transportation arrangements. Whether you’re looking for an SUV or sedan, our fleet has what you need!