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The Imminent Death of Uber

a driver with a passenger

As we’re grabbing our pitchforks and torches, heading out in groups to find and kill the monster, we may need to take a moment and remember the part we played in creating it. Greed The majority of our industry thought they were being sly by arguing that chauffeurs should be classified as independent operators/contractors. By […]


Happy uber driver

The more I study the Uber model and their investor relationships, the more I realize this is a sophisticated attempt to prey on flush investors.  The model has huge flaws that they will not overcome without severe financial pain; for their customers and investors.  In the meantime, Uber is buying publicity (positive and negative) and […]

The Interview: The First Step to Building the Perfect Employee

The best interview practices from Signature Transportation Group

The Interview Process People aren’t lumps of clay that you can mould into whatever you wish. In fact, candidates come in all shapes and sizes; with varying skill levels and potential. Start with the character traits you believe are most important in your company’s culture. Is it integrity, diligence, problem-solving, reliability, etc.? Sure, we want […]